Thursday, May 22, 2014

Master Plan Work 2013

Shaping Bunker #14

Bunker drains #15

Removal of fill from the pit on 14

Reshaping 14 green

New green site #14

Rebuilt bunkers #15

Greens drainage #14

Top dressing sod seams #14 green

New #14 green complex

15th hole completed

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The New 14th hole

The Old Green Complex

Green site construction via google earth



New Greens Mowers

This season we will be using the newest technology in greens mowing. The Jacobsen Eclipse Greens Mower has been on the market for several years and as with all new technology some problems existed with the design and operating system. After tweaking the design and operating system the newest model of Eclipse mowers have been very successful and well received in the turf industry. The mower has an combustion engine that runs at a very low speed to power the generator system that runs the electric components which include a computer that is set by our Equipment Manager to provide consistent reel clip rate and operating speed. This ensures that all operators get the same results when mowing. By setting a constant clip rate and speed it is possible to mow a fraction higher than our present mowers with better results.
Groundsman Chris Haro mowing the practice green with  the new Eclipse mower

Monday, May 5, 2014

This is Better

 May 3

 April 16th

Monday Maintenance

Cutting rough

Just a few of the work projects being performed today.
Our trusted rough mower Nick Gaeta is back smoothing the rough to a managable 2.5 inches and our annual sand injection into the green surfaces,"dryject", are in progress today.
Mowing of tees, colllars and approaches; green and tee bank mowing as well as tennis court maintenance are also on the schedule.
All the areas of new construction are now open and there were 2 birdies on the new 14th hole on Saturday during the men's golf opening tournament.

Dryjecting Greens