Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall projects

The following work is scheduled for the golf course throughout the fall.
Aerification: walkways and rough areas will be aerified during the next two weeks; Greens 4.8.10 & 12 will be have a dryject procedure in late October; A solid tine deep aerification of all our greens will take place the last week in October; the pool house field and clubhouse grounds will be aerified and over seeded in the next two weeks.

Drainage: 800 linear feet of drainage will be installed on holes 1,2 and 6. Work will start on October 9th.

Drainage install

There is also some work scheduled for re-sodding some bunker face areas and a change out of some bunker sand on number 15.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Green Aerification Update

Despite some ominous weather forecasts the Golf and Grounds crew had a busy day yesterday aerifying and cleaning all 19 greens. The front 9 greens we also topdressed, seeded and fertilized and are open for play today. If the weather cooperates today the back 9 greens will be topdressed, fertilized and seeded today to complete the greens aerification process.
Weather permitting all the tees will be aerified tomorrow and fairway aerification and topdressing will start on Monday the 10th.